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If you are a parent or carer of a young person selected to come on a Be Me Course, you may be wondering what it is about.


We will spend an hour each week with them and some of their peers in lesson time over 7-9 weeks. We aim to create a safe space for them to talk freely and discover more positive ways to cope with life and believe in themselves.


Our courses are designed as a stepping stone towards better resilience and navigating school life better, or as a signpost to more specialised support.


In order to thive in education, young people also need their wellbeing nutured.


Be Me Project exists to give young people a better start in life. Our courses help improve SELF-ESTEEM and CONFIDENCE and build POSITIVITY.​

Our Courses

She Is

Identity - uniquely and wonderfully made

Week 1:  Introduction to course

Learning about Identity, Truth and Purpose


Week 2: Uniquely and wonderfully made

Recognise your own identity. You are original and unique


Week 3: Outside Influences

Recognise where your value and worth comes from. Are you shaped by external influences?


Week 4: Inside treasure

How to grow your character through life's ups and downs




Week 5: Emotions

Discuss the four main emotions and recognise how to manage them


Week 6: Boundaries and forgiveness

Create boundaries in life, and know how to say No and when to say Yes


Week 7: Masks and labels

Identify masks that can be worn that hide your true identity




Week 8: Keep positive

Create an encouragement board to remind you of hope for the future


Week 9: Your reflections

Summarise what you have learnt and capture top tips for the future

Truth - discovering the real you

Purpose - hope for the future

Who Am I?

Week 1:  Introduction

Getting to know you


Week 2: Who am I?

A moment to remember who you are


Week 3: Influences around me

Who are the people who influence you?


Week 4: Resilience

How to recover from difficulties


Week 5: A healthy me

Ways to look after your mental health


Week 6: Communication

The key to all our relationships


Week 7: Friendships

How to set healthy boundaries



We have recently started surveying parents at the end of their child's attendance at the course. This is what our first 44 respondents said:

"My child really enjoyed attending the sessions and spoke very positively about them and the activities she took part in and I can see how the activities encouraged a more positive outlook. I would say it is too soon to comment on whether she can take those tools into other environments to be more confident and improve her self-esteem in the long term but she certainly has more awareness of the types of things which can impact the way she views herself."


said the course had helped a little or a lot

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"She really enjoyed attending sessions and although she still struggles with communicating confidently (due to ASD) she has noticeably improved in managing her emotions & seems calm and centered."

"Our child has grown in confidence since attending this course. I think it's vital these courses remain available to students to help and guide students when they're struggling. As parents we have seen a big improvement within our child."

"A thoughtful, nurturing group workshop that allowed my daughter the space to appreciate her strength and resilience. To allow her some much-needed self-care. The little mementos delivered by each workshop are lovingly displayed around her bedroom/in her school bag, and have been a valuable reminder to take care of her needs. She sounds like she’s found some confidence in having the opportunity to meet some other children in the groups too. Which has been lovely. The trip at the end sounded wonderful, she thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. Thank you for allowing her to be a part of it. We really appreciated it."

Which of these things have you seen a positive change in for your child since they attended the course?

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